
T+269.5: 53% and rising!

can you feel it? it's definitely getting badder around here ... and now my blog is now mostly evil >:) up to a solid 53% evil quotient. "but how?" you ask bewilderedly. why, by some diligent cheating, a little chicanery and a soupçon of jiggery pokery. how else can i be expected increase the evil quotient of my blog? rest assured, i will continue to strive for more evil content. stay tuned ... :)


Anonymous said...

nyahahahahahahah (evil cackle)! I come with purely evil intentions to corrupt your not so evil blog strong feminine one! The evilness of the blog rises by the second, it becomes positively swollen and pustulent, oozing with evil matter!!!! Nyahahahahahahahah (again!). Love evil.x

Anonymous said...

Be gone evil one for I am Iron Man. Inventor. Businessman. Genius. Never more sully this site with your evilness or I'll kick your evil ass in an innovative, businesslike and highly intelligent manner!