
T+251 & 1/2: i'm not dead yet

as some of you may have heard, there have been terrible windstorms in northern europe resulting in several deaths here in the netherlands. fortunately for me, mine was not one of them. i took the solid advice of staying indoors, aside from a brief foray to de poort for an afternoon repast and to yoga, although i must confess that it was quite a bike ride to the yogastudio: one minute, i could hardly pedal going down hill because the wind was against me and the next, i had the wind at my back and was practically putting on the brakes going up hill (and i use 'down hill' and 'up hill' here in the absolute loosest forms. think 'vague inclines' ...), all the while humming the hurricane music from the wizard of oz ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey girl. Glad to hear you are okay. Have definitely been keeping an eye on "your" weather.

But what about Toto? Other than that minor deviation, you really did have the Wizard of Oz theme just a little too close for comfort!

Crazy weather. We have set record low temps 3 days this past week, with the lowest being -15C (+5F). I get through this by keeping in mind that after the cold, spring will eventually arrive.

Keep up the good work on your Blog. Always great to hear from a Cuz!