
quebec is a nation?

we take time out from our regularly scheduled pedantic blather for this pseudo political rant from someone who knows virtually nothing about politics (and quite frankly, rather likes it that way) yet feels extremely rankled by the recent declaration by prime minister stephen harper that quebec be accorded nation status.

and here it is:

as you probably know, i am more apathetic (ok, you can delete the "a" ...) than political; however, i was stunned to hear prime minister harper's declaration that the province of quebec be permitted to form a nation. and apparently, there is some confusion whether or not the nation has to be within canada or not. as a westerner, i am constantly astounded by the seemingly preferential treatment quebec receives within this country. and yes, i am fully aware that i myself am not within canada and have not been for some months; however, i am still paying taxes so i feel my constitutional right to rant is not impeded in any way.

i did some extremely cursory statistical investigation and have confirmed what i had hitherto only assumed, that being that quebec enjoys a 20% higher representation level in the house of commons than bc, alberta or even ontario. in fact, the combined populations of bc and alberta are pretty much the same as that of quebec (roughly 7.5 million) and yet quebec has 75 seats and bc & alberta combined have only 64.

i haven't looked into budgetary allotments but i have a sneaking suspicion that quebec enjoys a larger piece of the federal pie percentage-wise than any province. and yet, they never seem to be satisfied with their lot. quebec is like the spoiled teenager who lives in complete luxury having mommy do his laundry and daddy pay for his computer games yet whines and whines and whines.

and don't get me wrong, i have been to quebec and think it's a fantastic place full of great people; however politically, i say: beat it!! you don't like being part of canada then by all means, leave. and no, you do not get your allowance. and no, you can't take your play station. get a job at the canadian tire - oops! i mean, the quebec tire! - and for pity's sake, grow up!!

and now, back to our regularly rant. er ... blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Beeks
if the Kerns contingent are somewhat quiet on your blog it's that we're in a state of shock and repulsion at the 'Britney-disembarking-from-car-sans-pants' shots that are currently circulating. Any comment on the political status of Quebec would, under these circumstances, seem wholly inappropriate. I hope you understand.
Rich x